Bug#241361: Info received (was Bug#241361: gnome-session: recent
upgrade hoses login with sawfish)
Thomas Bushnell, BSG
tb@becket.net (Thomas Bushnell, BSG), 241361@bugs.debian.org
03 Apr 2004 13:15:36 -0800
Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org> writes:
> Le sam 03/04/2004 =E0 02:51, Thomas Bushnell, BSG a =E9crit :
> > More info:=20
> > The splash screen does not show up in the failing mode, nor does
> > smproxy running. (Perhaps it is started and crashes.)
> >=20
> > The failing mode is when I select "default session" from the gdm menu.
> > When I say to run a "GNOME session", then I get my old session,
> > apparently working fine. So the bug may be related to the difference
> > between these two ways of gdm invoking the session.
> Hah. Then this is probably not a gnome-session issue, but it may be
> related to xfree86-common or gdm.
> What is the contents of your .xinitrc/.xsession, if you have one? If
> not, what are the selected alternatives for x-session-manager and
> x-window-manager? Does the bug also happen if you run startx from the
> console?
I have neither .xinitrc nor .xsession. x-window-manager points to
Hrm! x-session-manager points to kde3. That's surely wrong. But it
still shouldn't cause this kind of problem, because a user should be
able to use whatever default session they want, no matter what the
alternatives is set to. But if it's really a kde bug, then I don't
care about trying to fix it. So: the alternatives priority for kde3
and gnome-session need to be sanitized against each other (in case
kde3 is bogusly beating out gnome-session), and I'll repoint my link
and get back to you.