Bug#242624: libgtk: sub-pixel rendering happening in spite of my wishes

Mikael Nilsson Mikael Nilsson <mini@nada.kth.se>, 242624@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 08 Apr 2004 12:44:49 +0200

On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 01:04, Michel D=E4nzer wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 20:41, Mikael Nilsson wrote:
> Is gnome-settings-daemon running before you start it? If not, does that
> make a difference?

No, it's not running. And yes, it does make a difference. It changes the
font (to my gnome font) and disables subpixel rendering, as my gnome
settings say.

> Also, are you using a Radeon card? If so, Xft probably defaults to
> sub-pixel rendering because the radeon driver advertises it.

No I'm not. I should have told you my driver:
NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go, using the nvidia proprietary driver v5336. But
it may still be the same situation as with Radeon, I presume?

> Together, this may explain the symptoms you described.

So, to run firefox in KDE, I should start gnome-settings-daemon? Does
not sound too intuitive to me... :-)

And it does not solve the GDM problem - how do I get GDM to not use
subpixel rendering?

BTW - if you know why my LCD display does not work with subpixel
rendering, I'd be happy to know.... is the video card compensating
automagically? And why, in that case, does it advertise subpixel

Relevant part of "Device" section in XF86Config:=20

        Option          "UseEdidFreqs" "true"
        Option          "CursorShadow" "true"
        Option          "RenderAccel" "true"
        Option          "DigitalVibrance" "100"
        Option          "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling =3D native, Dither=
ing =3D enabled"

Could that matter? Should I try different settings?


Plus =E7a change, plus c'est la m=EAme chose
The more things change, the more they stay the same