Bug#235804: gksu: problem with pam_wheel.so trust group=adm
Edward J. Shornock
"Edward J. Shornock" <eshornoc@comcast.net>, 235804@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 14 Apr 2004 13:18:53 -0400
Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> Em Ter, 2004-04-13 =C3=A0s 23:23 -0400, Edward J. Shornock escreveu:
> =
> =
>>For awhile now, gksu would hang after inputting root's password, yet th=
>>process would still be running.
> =
> =
> Hi=21
> =
> I'm a bit confused. The problem reported by Vinicius seems to be that
> gksu should not ask the root password. Your problem seems to be
> different: you entered the password and gksu would hang after that.
> =
If pam_wheel.so trust is set for a group, I don't think a user should be =
prompted for the root password (as is currently the case with gksu). So =
I do have the problem Vinicius had reported as well. Should I have sent =
in two separate reports? (I want to do this the proper way).
> =
>>Creating a new user, I just added them to the wheel group but NOT to th=
>>adm group. gksu worked as intended. After I removed my username from
>>the adm group, I could use gksu as well. Now I just need to input
>>root's password when running =22su=22.
> =
> =
> So, this is what confused me. Do you need to enter the password after
> that?
> =
Sorry, I wasn't absolutely clear, I was typing the report fairly quickly =
last night...
I am only prompted for the password by gksu once. Without the =
=22pam_wheel.so trust group=3Dadm=22 line, the gksu helper process contin=
ues =
as it should. With that trust line, it should not prompt for the root =
password (and I was prompted for it), but in addition to being prompted =
for the password, gksu-run-helper does not appear to continue.
Being a newbie with pam, those two lines in my /etc/pam.d/su might =
conflict with each other, I do not know.
auth requisite pam_wheel.so group=3Dwheel debug
auth sufficient pam_wheel.so trust group=3Dadm
I know I do not need that, since I can simply have trust everyone in =
group wheel and totally disregard the adm group. I do not require this =
functionality--I just read it in a HOWTO somewhere...
Others might need/want the ability to require users to be part of the =
wheel group to su, and in addition, not require another group to input =
the password. To clarify: If user is a member of wheel, they can =22su=22=
to root. If they are a member of wheel AND adm, they don't need a passwo=
If any more information or clarification is needed, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> =
> =
Thank you for your attention,
Edward Shornock