Bug#244593: devhelp does not create gconf schema
Gustavo Noronha Silva
Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>, 244593@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 17:51:24 -0300
severity 244593 important
Em Sun, 18 Apr 2004 23:29:52 -0300, Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz <agney@users.sourceforge.net> escreveu:
> talking with kov, he told me that devhelp should call gconf to create
> the schema and load the books.
Actually. I cannot reproduce your 'little window' problem. But I'm
pretty sure I know the cause of it:
> ii libdevhelp-1-0 0.9-3 Library providing documentation br
You're using a newer version of libdevhelp, from experimental. devhelp 0.8.1
does not use gconf, but libdevhelp might be the one asking for its values,
so it might be a matter of moving the gconf stuff to the library package...
not sure yet.
I'm going to check this deeper and work out a solution. You can downgrade
to unstable's libdevhelp-1-0 in the mean time. Tell me if this solves
your books problems too. No mater what results you get, please file another
bug about that.
Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org> | http://beterraba.no-ip.org/~kov
Debian Developer: http://www.debian.org/ | http://www.debian-br.org/
Brazilian GNOME Translation Effort: http://gnome-br.sourceforge.net/