Bug#133578: gdm bug #133578. Intend to NMU.
Daniel Ruoso
Daniel Ruoso <daniel@ruoso.com>, 133578@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:52:08 -0300
Em Seg, 2004-04-19 ās 16:03, Ryan Murray escreveu:
> No patch that involves doing anything with the PAM login-time configuration
> file /etc/environment is going to be applied by me.
Ok, you mean I must do a NMU? or this mean I must go to the next step,
that would be the tech-ctte?
Just to make clear... I don't want to create problems, but this bug is
really annoying for non-english speakers, and as there is a patch that
fixes the bug (at least before init i18n be cleared), I don't see a
reason for not fixing it. If you do have a better way to fix it, please
do it, but if not, let this 2-years old be fixed.