Bug#262944: gnome-system-tools: *orig.tar.gz sets 2755 permissions
Andreas Jochens
Andreas Jochens <aj@andaco.de>, 262944@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 02 Aug 2004 13:48:45 +0200
Package: gnome-system-tools
Severity: normal
As 'root' I get the following:
# apt-get source gnome-system-tools
# ls -l
drwxr-sr-x 8 1000 1000 4096 Aug 2 13:41 gnome-system-tools-0.33.0
When trying to build the package then, I get the following error:
control directory has bad permissions 2755 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)
because the 'debian' control directory also has 2755 permissions.
Please fix the permissions which are set by *orig.tar.gz.
Andreas Jochens