Bug#263263: file-roller: original tgz lost, temporary tar damaged
and unreadable
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 263263@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 04 Aug 2004 01:07:55 +0200
tag 263263 unreproducible
Le mardi 03 ao=FBt 2004 =E0 17:07 +0200, Ricardo Mones a =E9crit :
> It happened with a big tgz file (~120 Mib (~230 MiB uncompressed)).
> Extracting a file it hanged with the cancel button disabled, after a
> while a new dialog announced something like "deleting files" so I closed
> the window.
How have you extracted this file ? Right click and "extract here" in
nautilus ? Open the dialog and extract a file or the whole tgz in a
dir ?=20
Do you have enough empty space on your disk to extract the file ? Can
you reproduce the problem ?
Sorry for all these questions but I've just made some tests here and I
don't have any problem. The cancel button works and file-roller never
deleted a file. I'm tagging this bug as unreproducible for the moment.
> Anyway I think the original files shouldn't be altered under any
> circumstance (except by user request), so I've set the severit to grave.
Yes, sure. The problem is to get a way to reproduce this bug to fix
it ...=20
Sebastien Bacher