Bug#263263: Re: Bug#263263: Re: Bug#263263: file-roller: original tgz lost, temporary tar damaged and unreadable

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 263263@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:28:12 +0200

Le mercredi 04 ao=FBt 2004 =E0 10:21 +0200, Ricardo Mones a =E9crit :

> That's the data loss I'm referring to. You may retitle the bug if you
> prefer. I put that second part because it surprised me to found the
> file uncompressed but damaged.

No, it's fine, it was just to be sure. That's still weird since file-
roller use standard command line commands to do the job and should not
modify the original archive.


Sebastien Bacher