Bug#264490: setxkbmap in ~/.xsession doesn't work for gnome sessions
Recai Oktas
Recai Oktas <roktas@omu.edu.tr>, 264490@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 10 Aug 2004 03:35:20 +0300
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* Recai Oktas [2004-08-09 08:04:10+0300]
> It looks like this is rather a feature than a bug and also the right=20
> package for this bug report seems to be 'capplets'. GNOME tries to=20
> configure the keyboard automagically based on the system locale and it=20
> all happens when entering the session. Am I understanding correctly? =20
Well, I've just figured it out that this is indeed not correct. GNOME=20
just _initializes_ the gconf registery for XKB setup in the following=20
Then it preserves the user settings from the "Desktop Preferences ->=20
Keyboard" menu. Since it also supplies an option (overrideSettings) to=20
override the setting from the XKB, the situation should not be treated=20
as a bug. So, we can close this bug; apologizes again for my premature=20
attack :-)
> But as far as I see, GNOME (2.6) session handling prevents me to setup=20
> the non-default keymap (F layout) in .xsession. Any suggestion for=20
> this problem wrt GNOME?
FYI, the problem could be worked around with the following .xsession=20
# XXX: Ugly hack to rule GNOME!
if which gconftool-2 2>/dev/null; then
gconftool-2 --type bool --set \
/desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb/overrideSettings =
setxkbmap ...
[Yes, I am aware that this is absolutely ugly, but language-env is also=20
a hack anyway. Hope I see the days when a well-designed Debian l10n=20
infrastructure takes place to administrate all these sort of things...]
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