Bug#264788: capplets-data: schemas files in /etc/gconf/schemas
should be removed
Christian Marillat
Christian Marillat <marillat@debian.org>, 264788@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 11:11:33 +0200
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org> writes:
> Le mercredi 11 ao=FBt 2004 =E0 09:19 +0200, Christian Marillat a =E9cri=
t :
>> seb128 <seb128@debian.org> writes:
>> Anyway the debhelper maintainer seems to disagree to fix this bug in
>> dh_gconf.
> Read the bug report, he's waiting on Josselin's opinion (Josselin made
> the dh_gconf patch for the schemas move) and he thinks it'll not happen
> at time for Sarge.
And he disagree to remove these old config files. This is the main
reason why he is waiting for joss advice.
>> Apparently people are tinking I undertsand nothing with GNOME
>> packaging #264326, really nice. But francly I don't care.
> This bug is not about your understanding of the packaging but your
> understanding of what an useful bug report is. Mass flooding with such
> bug report will not help to fix it. That's not doable for Sarge now and
Frankly I don't care if this bug is fixed for sarge or not. As you know
this is ours users who are penalized not me.
> this will be automatically fixed some times after the dh_gconf change.
> Instead of filing 50 bug reports now you should better wait for the
> dh_gconf change, wait 2-3 months so most of the packages will have a
> rebuild and you can fill some bugs for the remaining bug. *That* would
> be an useful way to tackle this problem.
50 ? I've filed 6 bugs report, and again I don't have to check if
a package use dh_gconf or not. Also do you know that you can do that in
postisnt without waiting for new dh_gconf ?
For me I stop this sterile discussion. I'm losing my time for nothing.