Bug#265535: Shutdown Permissions
Kaiting Chen
Kaiting Chen <phoenixfire159@yahoo.com>, 265535@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 08:36:23 -0700 (PDT)
Package: gnome-session
Severity: major
Version: 2.6.x
Synopsis: Shutdown Permissions
Bugzilla-Product: gnome-session
Bugzilla-Component: gnome-session
Bugzilla-Version: 2.6.x
Description of Problem:
Before, users only had the choice to log off when they
click "Log Out" in the actions menu. Now, they are
given the options, Log Out, Shutdown, and Reboot. This
is a security problem.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Install latest gnome packages.
2. Log out from gnome.
Actual Results:
User presented with many options, some of which are
Expected Results:
User is only allowed to log out.
How often does this happen?
Every time.
Additional Information:
This only started happening after I upgraded to the
unstable version of Debian.
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