Bug#268222: gdesklets does not start properly
Andreas Neudecker
Andreas Neudecker <zapyon@gmx.net>, 268222@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 27 Aug 2004 12:44:56 +0200
Hi Sebastien,
thanks for reopening the bug.
> I agree on this, gdesklets is not user friendly and should probably not
> be in the menu, but still not a "critical" bug ...
Well, I thought it was okay to call it critical since the situation
prevents the average user from using it (at least if you don't start to
"investigate" further ;-) (see below)
> I've already talked about this with upstreams. I'd like to get a
> druid/window in the first try and perhaps a default desklet on the
> desktop too.
Very good. Especially the idea about the default desklet (which might be
a list applet to list other available desklets ...)
> > Where do I find these ".display" files? "man gdesklets" doesn't tell me
> > this, so I had to search for them in /usr. Not really the expected thing
> > for a GUI program.
> gdesklets doesn't provide some .display. gdesklets-data does, and as for
> all the debian packages the doc is in /usr/share/doc/gdesklets-data
I am aware of this. I have this installed, too. But "man gdesklets"
doesn't say so and gdesklets-data is not "required" by gdesklets ... so
it is probable that at least SOME users will be totally at a loss here.
> No, according to most of the problems and bug reports the average user
> thinks that the probably is not working or frozen, but doesn't crash (no
> segfault, no come back to the prompt).
Okay, I was not using the right word here, it's not a "crash", it seems
to "hang". Rather sloppy writing on my side. I am not a native writer of
English after all. (good excuse, ain't it? ;-D
> Sorry but this bug is not critical. I'm changing the severity to
> important and retitle it.
I agree with that.
> The documentation is here and pretty clear (what do you want to
> clarify in it ?)
Where do you expect the docs for a GUI program (especially a GNOME
program, with the GNOME project trying to get things friendly to the
proverbial Mr. Mits ;-)? Excactly: somewhere in the GUI, certainly not
in a man file. I wonder, how many users of KDE/GNOME desktops even KNOW
about man files in the first place ...
> BTW a desklets graphical manager is
> in development, hopefully the next releases will be better on this plan.
Cool. Looking forward to that.
Kind regards
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