Bug#268829: balsa: adds unwanted blank line
Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>, 268829@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 30 Aug 2004 01:00:27 +1000
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On Sun, Aug 29, 2004 at 01:53:04PM +0200, Siward de Groot wrote:
> Package: balsa
> Version: 2.0.17-2
> Severity: normal
> balsa adds an extra blank line at top of message,
> this makes it unusable to report bugs with,
> so i now have a dozen refused bugreports
> and need to file this bug with reportbug.
Dear Siward,
I can't duplicate this bug at all unfortunately, nor has it been
reported before.
Could you please try the following:
1. try balsa-2.0.18-1 from:
it's still only in testing-proposed-updates
2. send an email to yourself through a different mail server (eg.
localhost). I want to rule out that you have a MTA which is changing
the email along the way.
3. relocate ~/.gnome2/balsa and ~/.gnome2_private/balsa and see if the
default settings affect it.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Lau
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/>
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer & UNSW Computing Students' Society President
"Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition!
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!"
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