Bug#280311: same in mandrake
Christophe Combelles
ccomb@free.fr, 280311@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 08 Dec 2004 14:37:29 +0100
no, It would be nice to fix this bug with fam and dnotify first. Because =
seems to be somewhere in the nautilus monitors. Without this, Fam is=20
working very well.
Switching to gamin/inotify would leave an unfindable bug in nautilus.
(and maybe associated with some possible leak/corruption/segfault or=20
anything else)
And since it is 100% reproducible, it should be easier to find!
Sebastien Bacher a =E9crit :
> Le mercredi 08 d=E9cembre 2004 =E0 14:01 +0100, Christophe Combelles a
> =E9crit :
>>The corresponding bug in mandrake bugzilla:
>>It is told that the bug doesn't seem to appear in gnome 2.9
>>In that case it should be found and backported to Sarge.
> if your fix is to use gamin with an inotify support in the kernel that'=
> not going to happen for sarge but that's a not big change and this is
> not really tested yet
> Cheers,
> Sebastien Bacher