Bug#224068: I get it, too.

Stephen Ryan Stephen Ryan <taketwoaspirin@deepthought.dartmouth.edu>, 224068@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 05 Feb 2004 14:46:47 -0500

I have a little more information on this; I have a Matrox G400, and I'm
using both heads; I had been running evolution 1.2 on the second screen
and it worked just fine, but I upgraded to 1.4 yesterday and now I get
the corruption referenced here; additionally, it seems to happen in
every modern Gnome application I have installed, which points to a bug
in one of the underlying libraries.  It also affects some of the icons
(see screenshots referenced below).  However, this only happens on the
second screen (:0.1); all of these applications run correctly on the
first screen (:0.0).  

Screenshots here: http://sryan.stearns.org/~sryan/gtk_corruption.html

This happens with and without the "XaaNoOffScreenPixmaps" setting
suggested by Benjamin Francois.

Hope this helps point someone to the cause.
Stephen Ryan                                        Debian Linux 3.0
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