Bug#157892: type application/vnd.ms-powerpoint should also include pps and pot

Jerome Warnier Jerome Warnier <jwarnier@bxlug.be>, 157892@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 12 Jan 2004 19:03:19 +0100

Le lun 12/01/2004 =E0 17:01, Josselin Mouette a =E9crit :
> Le sam 10/01/2004 =E0 00:15, J=E9r=F4me Warnier a =E9crit :
> > > Which version of MS Powerpoint does produce .pot files? I'm only awar=
> > > of .ppt and .pps (pps was added in gnome-mime-data, BTW).
> > Those are PowerPoint Templates, known at least in Microsoft Office 97 (=
> > don't know for earlier or later versions, sorry).
> The problem is that this mechanism will identify all .pot files as MS
> powerpoint files (these files are identified with their extension, not
> with some MIME magic). While this is generally true for .ppt and .pps,
> the .pot extension is widely used for gettext templates. So I don't
> think we should do that.
You're right, I didn't think about that issue.
May I close the bug?
> Regards,