Bug#198906: marked as done (nuvola: Misscaled (?) GNOME icon)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 05:33:16 -0800

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Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 15:55:26 +0200
From: Sebastian Kapfer <sebastian_kapfer@web.de>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: nuvola: Misscaled (?) GNOME icon
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Package: gnome-themes-extras
Version: 0.1+20030620-2

First, a huge load of thank-yous for fixing the librsvg warnings.
Finally I can use Nuvola _and_ work with my terminals as expected.

Unfortunately, the new Nuvola package seems to contain a misscaled GNOME
icon. "gnome-logo.svg" which seems to be used by the Panel, shows only
the top left portion of the icon. At least that's what it looks like.

Demo shot at http://tuxsux.dyndns.org/caci/gnopanel.png

Top section: gnome-logo.svg, as displayed in gimageview
Bottom section: "Apps" menu of GNOME Panel. Normally it displays the

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Received: (at 198906-done) by bugs.debian.org; 24 Jan 2004 13:21:46 +0000
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Subject: Re: Bug#198906: 198906: Fixed?
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Le mar 20/01/2004 =E0 18:44, Sebastian Kapfer a =E9crit :
> nuvola: Misscaled (?) GNOME icon
> The symptom has disappeared on my system when installing the v0.6
> package of gnome-themes-extras. It comes back when downgrading to v0.5.
> Sodipodi now displays both icons fine, too, so I think we can consider
> this fixed.

I'm closing the bug.
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `'                        joss@debian.org
  `-  Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom

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