Bug#229412: gdesklets: Multiple instances of gdesklets daemon

Johannes Rohr Johannes Rohr <j.rohr@comlink.org>, 229412@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 24 Jan 2004 23:48:18 +0100

Am Sa, den 24.01.2004 schrieb Sebastien Bacher um 20:08:
> Johannes Rohr <j.rohr@comlink.org> writes:
> > I wonder if I'm the only one seeing this: It recently started that
> > after logging out and back in I have multiple instances of gdesklets
> > running and multiple entries in the session listing as shown by
> > gnome-session-properties. 
> Have you launched it several times ? 


> Try to kill all the instance to restart one gdesklets and to save the
>  session on the logout (without adding to to start porgrams in gnome),

Certainly I tried this.

> and it should work fine.

No. You probably have read Martin Grimme's comment in the meantime.
Can't _you_ reproduce this bug?

