Bug#228961: glabels crashes when selecting Hershey Gothic font

Jens Kubieziel Jens Kubieziel <jens@kubieziel.de>, 228961@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 26 Jan 2004 19:13:51 +0100

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On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 02:03:19AM +1100, Andrew Lau wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 11:31:27PM +0100, Jens Kubieziel wrote:
> > Package: glabels
> > Version: 1.92.3-1
> > Severity: normal
> Are you positive that this is not a fontconfig issue? Can you only
> duplicate this crash on any other GTK+2 application?

You're right. I can reproduce this with other Gtk-applications. So this
is a not an issue with glabels.
Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
Bumper sticker:
	All the parts falling off this car are of the very finest
	British manufacture.

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