Mergeant package unmantained

Gustavo R. Montesino
Thu, 1 Jul 2004 05:52:05 -0300

#define IANADD

On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 12:39:28AM +0200, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2004 at 12:32:14AM +0200, Cesar Martinez Izquierdo wrote:
> > Hello, I don't know if this list is the proper place to report that.
> > Mergeant package is in a very bad shape.
> >  It has several unsolved old bugs, there are new versions of the program that 
> > are unpackaged, etc.
> > It seems that it's no longer mantained.
> > I think that it should be orphaned so that another mantainer can do a proper 
> > work.
> It's group maintained by a large number of people, the GNOME
> maintainers, though the mailinglist isn't at the 'maintainer' field, so
> they don't recieve the mails sent to bugs on this gnome-db2 package.

Actually, the source for the mergeant package isn't at the GNOME Team
svn repository, so it isn't really maintained by the team.

> Gnome maintainers, how are things going with this package? I agree with
> Cesar it doesn't look too well, and as it is now, it isn't ready to be
> included in Sarge (indeed, it's in sid only).

I'm cc'ing the maintainer there, so that he may answer this :)
> Are you as a team still interested in this package? If not, you should
> indeed consider asking for adoption of it.

I've some interest in the gnome-db packages
(libgda/libgnomedb/mergeant), and would love to help maintaining them as
GNOME Team maintained (or not) packages.

Gustavo R. Montesino