Bug#257205: gnome-control-center: custom web browser setting
isn't remembered
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 257205@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 02 Jul 2004 00:02:23 +0200
Le jeu, 01/07/2004 =E0 14:35 -0700, Robey Pointer a =E9crit :
> when you reopen this panel, neither "select a web browser" nor "custom
> web browser" is selected.
This bug has already been reported, I'm merging reports.
> (it would also be nice if "mozilla firefox" was an entry in the standard
> web browser list, instead of restricting yourselves to "lynx" and
> "sensible".)
That's not a debian choice, but yes, the list could contain extra
items ..
Sebastien Bacher