Bug#256993: nautilus does not start
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 256993@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 02 Jul 2004 17:33:02 +0200
Le mer, 30/06/2004 =E0 12:18 +0200, Jose M. Moya a =E9crit :
> Nautilus keeps running but no window shows up, it doesn't change the
> background, and no menu is attached to the root window. It consumes
> more than 90% CPU.
I've no idea of the problem, and nobody seems to be able to reproduce
it. I'm tagging it unreproducible for the moment.
Could you provide a backtrace ? gdb nautilus, ctrl+c and then bt. Have
you tested out of GNOME ? Does nautilus handle your desktop ?
Sebastien Bacher