Bug#257532: gnome-keyring: doesn't save password
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 257532@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 04 Jul 2004 15:06:40 +0200
reassign 257532 gnome-vfs2
tag 257532 + fixed-in-experimental
Le dim, 04/07/2004 =E0 03:53 +0200, Julien Langer a =E9crit :
> I have created a ssh connection with nautilus, and the first time
> gnome-keyring asks for the password. I checked the "save password in
> keyring" checkbox, but it doesn't really save it.
> If I close the nautilus window, wait some minutes and then try to connect=
again, gnome-keyring asks again for the password.
This bug belongs to gnomevfs (ssh/sftp methods don't use the keyring)
and should be fixed in 2.7 version which is in experimental. I'm
reassigning/tagging it.
Sebastien Bacher