Bug#255141: gnome-panel: Workspace switcher ok after restart

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 255141@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 15:31:32 +0200

Le sam, 19/06/2004 =E0 22:40 +0200, Andy Ruddock a =E9crit :

> After logging out from the gnome desktop and restarting three times the
> configuration error disappeared as quickly as it came. Inexplicable why
> the "bug" persisted through two restarts but the workspace switcher now
> operates as previously with no further errors.


Looks like a "gconf doesn't use new schema immediatly after the
installation" problem, this sort of problem should be fixed soon with
gconf. Since you don't have more details this bug report seems to be
pretty useless at this point, I would like to close it if it's ok with
you ?


Sebastien Bacher