Smart 90% discounted software for selling from Thurman's SoftShop
Charles William
Charles William" <
Thu, 08 Jul 2004 19:57:01 -0700
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At his best, man is the noblest of all animals separated from law and justice he is the worst.
Leap, and the net will appear.
Abstaining is favorable both to the head and the pocket.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?
To get what you want, STOP doing what isn't working.
A man who strains himself on the stage is bound, if he is any good, to strain all the people sitting in the stalls.
Man cannot live by incompetence alone.
The emphasis must be not on the right to abortion but on the right to privacy and reproductive control.
Death twitches my ear. ''Live,'' he says, ''I am coming.''
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
Never give advice unless asked.
Something you don't want is dear at any price.
Cats and monkeys monkeys and cats all human life is there.
Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
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