[gnome-db] Gnome-DB documents, GNU FDL and Debian.

Rodrigo Moya rodrigo@gnome-db.org
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 14:21:52 +0200

On Sat, 2004-07-17 at 19:56 -0300, Gustavo R. Montesino wrote:
> Hi,
> While working on some Debian gnome-db packages, I've noticed that the
> documentation is licensed under the terms of GNU FDL. Unfortunately,
> this license doesn't conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines,
> making the docs improper to the main section of Debian GNU/Linux.
> The concerns of the Debian Project may be found on the draft at
> http://people.debian.org/~srivasta/Position_Statement.xhtml
> (please notice that it's just a draft document, cited for reference
> only).
> So, I would like to know if it's possible to relicense the documents
> under another license, and if there's interest in doing so.
hmm, what other licenses? And why does this only happen with gnome-db?
Is it the same for other GNOME packages?

AFAIK, we are using the same license as the rest of GNOME, are we not?
