Bug#256683: gtk2-engines-industrial: unable to install, due to symlink problem

Margarita Manterola Margarita Manterola <marga@marga.com.ar>, 256683@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:55:20 -0300

Hola Josselin Mouette!

> > ulises:/home/marga# update-alternatives --list x-cursor-theme
> > /usr/share/themes/Industrial/cursor.theme
> Weird. Is xlibs-data correctly installed (dpkg -l xlibs-data)?

i  xlibs-data     4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 X Window System client data

Although, I upgraded this one yesterday.  It had not been upgraded when I
reported the bug...  Maybe it has to depend on the new xlibs-data ?

> What is the result of 'grep x-cursor-theme /var/lib/dpkg/info/*' 

marga@ulises:~/public_html/tandilfilmfest/docs$ grep -r x-cursor-theme
x-cursor-theme /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme 30
x-cursor-theme "/etc/X11/cursors/$THEME.theme" \
/var/lib/dpkg/info/xlibs-data.prerm:  update-alternatives --remove
x-cursor-theme /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme
/var/lib/dpkg/info/xlibs-data.prerm:    update-alternatives --remove
x-cursor-theme "/etc/X11/cursors/$THEME.theme"
/var/lib/dpkg/info/gtk2-engines-industrial.prerm:    update-alternatives
--remove x-cursor-theme \
/var/lib/dpkg/info/gtk2-engines-industrial.postinst:    x-cursor-theme
/usr/share/themes/Industrial/cursor.theme 40

I'm sorry that I did not keep the machine in the broken state, but it
does seem it's related to xlibs-data version.
