Bug#261442: nautilus: Doesn't respect Web Browser Preferences for text/html

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 261442@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 20:50:57 +0200

Le lundi 26 juillet 2004 =E0 19:10 +0200, Juergen Kreileder a =E9crit :

> It looks like /desktop/gnome/applications/browser/exec doesn't get
> updated properly and if I change it manually with gconftool or
> gconf-editor, the changes seem to take no effect.

Weird ... you change the key but it doesn't use its value ?

> Ie. the handler for http URLs has been changed to "galeon %s" by
> gnome-default-applications-properties like expected but the handler
> for https URLs still is "epiphany %s" =3D> https URLs get loaded in the
> wrong brower.

This bug has already been reported and has a working patch upstream I
think we will include it soon:


Sebastien Bacher