Bug#259916: gnome-panel: Clock's calendar gives date off by one
month while drag-and-drop
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 259916@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 22:47:22 +0200
tag 259916 + unreproducible
Le samedi 17 juillet 2004 =E0 11:04 +0200, Mattias =D6stergren a =E9crit :
> When you drag-and-drop a date from the calendar that expands from the clo=
ck-applet, when you click on it,=20
> the month is of by one. Like this: February becomes 01, March becomes 02,=
December becomes 11.
> If you try to drag any date from January nothing happens, because there i=
s no month 00. Neither does it=20
> work to drag e.g. December 31th, since there is no 2004-11-31.
Weird, I've just tested here with a GNOME 2.6.2 from unstable and sv_SE
as locale and it works fine (jan =3D=3D 1, feb=3D=3D2, ...)
I'm tagging this bug as unreproducible.
Sebastien Bacher