Bug#251953: gnome-settings-daemon not in default PATH

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251953@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 02 Jun 2004 10:12:37 +0200

"Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@debian.org> writes:

>  I beg your pardon?  You don't agree with the bug but you don't want to
>  have a discussion either?

We already had a discussion and we have different opinion on what is the
g-s-d and what it should do, so let's waiting for an upstream advice,
talking hours will not change your point of view I guess and probably
not mine too.

>  Ignoring my requests isn't going to change them.  

Are you asserting that you're right and that we should just do what you
said ? You don't have to request actions, you've reported a bug, several
people disagree on it so let's wait a consensus before taking decision.

> Go fish the GNOME API
>  docs.  I can't find a documented way for a program that _needs_
>  gnome-settings-daemon to be running to start it.  

And have you find a documentation saying tha g-s-d is an user land
software ?

>  What I am saying is that if I _have_ to start this thing for Epiphany

That's the point, we don't have to ...

>  on the browser window.  Now, how exactly am I _not_ running GNOME?  Is
>  it the panel that I don't use?  I though GNOME was about a network
>  object model environment, not about a silly panel.

no need of panel to run session ...

>       4.2  /usr/bin : Most user commands

"user" commands

>  That's included by Debian Policy.  And breaking it is "serious".

Are you going to fill RC bug for all stuffs not need in the path and
staying in /usr/lib ?

BTW this discussion is going nowhere, you're using again and again the
same arguments, I've understood them and we don't agree on what's
supposed to do the settings-daemon and what's broken or not.
Please continue this on bugzilla we will stay to upstream advice.

Sebastien Bacher