Bug#252471: gtk2-engines-industrial: Industrial cursors are
installed as current alternative
Josselin Mouette
252471@bugs.debian.org, 252471@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 03 Jun 2004 18:26:44 +0200
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Le jeu 03/06/2004 =E0 18:12, Adam Sj=F8gren a =E9crit :
> After upgrading (amongst other packages) gtk2-engines-industrial
> 0.2.36-1 last night, my X cursors changed from their normal black look
> to a slick white.
> The problem can be worked around by running "update-alternatives
> --config x-cursor-theme" and selecting the previous value.
Yes, this is expected, as I have given the Industrial cursor theme a
higher priority than the core theme, as it has a non-intrusive look and
is very popular. I can also put it in a separate package if too many
people find it annoying, but that would be a bit overkill.
.''`. Josselin Mouette /\./\
: :' : josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `' joss@debian.org
`- Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
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