Bug#252480: Terminal output

Peter Whysall Peter Whysall <peter.whysall@ntlworld.com>, 252480@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 03 Jun 2004 18:51:00 +0100

Sorry, forgot to include this in the report:

peter@cordelia:~ $ ps ax | grep gconfd
 8828 ?        S      0:01 /usr/lib/gconf2/gconfd-2 13
 9194 pts/11   S+     0:00 grep gconfd
peter@cordelia:~ $ conglomerate
CongDispspecRegistry contains 12 dispspec(s)
ds[0] = "RELAX NG"
ds[1] = "Experimental "cnxml" format"
ds[2] = "Experimental "readme" format"
ds[3] = "TEI Lite"
ds[4] = "Apache Documentation DTD v1.2"
ds[5] = "Website Layout"
ds[6] = "Webpage"
ds[7] = "XSL stylesheet"
ds[8] = "DocBook"
ds[9] = "Conglomerate Display Specification"
ds[10] = ""Kernel Traffic" Newsletter"
ds[11] = "XHTML 1.0 (strict)"
** Message: key: /apps/conglomerate/plugins/templates/template-paths
** Message: cong_primary_window_free
peter@cordelia:~ $ ps ax | grep gconfd
 9201 pts/11   R+     0:00 grep gconfd
peter@cordelia:~ $