Bug#251953: gnome-settings-daemon not in default PATH
Marcelo E. Magallon
"Marcelo E. Magallon" <mmagallo@debian.org>, 251953@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 6 Jun 2004 18:04:03 -0600
On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 08:29:05AM +0200, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le mar, 01/06/2004 à 20:06 -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon a écrit :
> > Why are you so offended by calling this bug critical?
> Because it's not a control-center problem but an app problem. You
> should fill an important bug against epiphany for your problem (ie:
> "doesn't work right without g-s-d").
Nope, because in that case I should be filling a bug against libgnome
or something like that, which is the library that's actually
interfacing with the (non-existent) gnome-settings-daemon.
Believe me: Epiphany is doing what the documentation says it should be
doing. If I file a bug against Epiphany and Edd laughs his back off,
he'd be right.
> > It's going to stop GNOME 2.6 from moving to sarge. So what?
> So we are not going to stop Gnome for something that's not a gnome
> bug ...
"We shoehorn GNOME 2.6 into Sarge no matter what". Is that it?
Go read the original bug report and tell me how a program disappearing
from the PATH is not a packaging bug?
> > convincing apt that _there is_ an upgrade path, and after doing
> > that, apt happily suggested to remove 390+ packages from the
> > system.
> Probably speaking about kdelibs which is still not rebuilt for
> gnutls10 and conflict with current libcupsys ?
I have no idea, sorry. I actually remember a bunch of GNOME programs
going down the drain. (gnumeric for example)
If you guys want GNOME 2.6 in Sarge so badly, you should at least try
doing some upgrades from reasonably complex woody installation to sarge
(+ GNOME 2.6).