Bug#251232: rhythmbox: awful crackling noise on mp3s

Sebastien Bacher Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 251232@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 07 Jun 2004 23:28:49 +0200

Le lun, 07/06/2004 =E0 17:00 -0400, mukesh agrawal a =E9crit :

> Yes, I hear the same crackling if I play the file with the command you
> suggested.
> Should I re-file this as a gstreamer bug?

No, I'm reassigning this one to gstreamer, no need to open a new bug.

BTW could you provide some extra details, it will probably help
gstreamer's maintainer:=20
- which soundcard are you using ?
- which audiosink are you using (gconftool-2
-g /system/gstreamer/0.8/default/audiosink)
- have you the same problem with the other audiosinks
(alsasink,osssink,esdsink) ?


Sebastien Bacher