Bug#251264: Debian bug #251264 - Additional Information: Bug
related to use of Sawfish
Matthew Exley
Matthew Exley <henley@guided-naafi.org>, 251264@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 12:20:24 +0100
I have been affected by the bug you describe. According to several
reports on bugzilla.gnome.org and elsewhere, this is an unwanted
interaction with Sawfish:
you'll note that the Gnome folk appear to be blaming Sawfish for the
problem, wheras the Debian Sawfish maintainer appears to believe there's
nothing wrong with Sawfish:
Current work-arounds involve switching from Sawfish to Metacity, or
accepting that you'll have to re-shuffle your panels around every time
you log in :-(
Matthew Exley henley@guided-naafi.org
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by"
- Douglas Adams.