Bug#253287: split of xlib
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 253287@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 01:43:18 +0200
Le mer, 09/06/2004 =E0 01:25 +0200, Luk Claes a =E9crit :
> It is very much related, normally you get your dependencies by
> ${shlibs:Depends}, so the way to go is to put the right packages in the
> Build-Dep (the -dev ones).
No, we are setting this depends because keyboard's configuration need
datas contained in the xlibs packages.=20
> So xlibs -> xlibs-dev, but xlibs and xlibs-dev are now only transitional
> packages. One should depend on the finer grained library packages.
No, where are interested by xlibs and not its depends, lib's depends are
included in the "shlibs:Depends" part.
$ dpkg -L xlibs | wc -l
xlibs is not a dummy transitionnal package ...
Sebastien Bacher