Bug#253974: libgtk2.0-0: Cropped button icons after upgrade to
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 253974@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 12 Jun 2004 11:34:31 +0200
Le sam, 12/06/2004 =E0 02:04 -0700, Manan Tuli a =E9crit :
> After my GTK+ packages were upgraded from version 2.4.1 to 2.4.2, I've
> been noticing problems with the proper rendering of some graphics
> within buttons.
First you've filled 2 bug reports, I'm merging them since they seem to
be identical.
About the bug, probably fixed in gtk+2.4.3:
"gtk+-2.4.3.tar.gz md5sum: bb044ceddcdb606f0591c00cafdf7894
This is a bug fix release and is source and binary compatible
with 2.4.0. The main reason for this quick followup release is=20
a problem with the button size allocation logic in 2.4.2, which=20
showed up in the Gimp. A number of other bugfixes have been
included as well."
I'm going to package it as soon as the 2.4.2 is in testing (within a few
days), we need a gtk+2.4 version in testing to progress on the gnome2.6
in testing plan.
Sebastien Bacher