Bug#254339: gtranslator: Search function doesn't handle non-ASCII
Jordi Mallach
Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>, 254339@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 13:22:56 +0200
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On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 10:50:20PM +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> Gtranslator's search function doesn't work well with non-ASCII text.
> When non-ASCII letters are present in a message in which the search
> pattern is found, gtranslator highlights the wrong passage of text. For
> example, when searching for "des", it would highlight "es " in the
> following message:
> Ein paar m=C3=B6gliche Befehle (...) des Bildschirms
> ^^^
> In this message, when search for naho, it highlights "o=C5=99e.".
> Zobrazit vybran=C3=A9 p=C5=99=C3=ADkazy naho=C5=99e...
> ^^^^
> In short, the selection shifts to the right for each non-ASCII letter
> in the message. Looks like a classical bytes vs. characters problem to
> me.
Yeah, looks like it to me too. I'll tell Ross.
> Severity important because this is supposed to be an i18n tool. ;-)
Indeed. :)
Jordi Mallach P=C3=A9rez -- Debian developer http://www.debian.org/
jordi@sindominio.net jordi@debian.org http://www.sindominio.net/
GnuPG public key information available at http://oskuro.net/~jordi/
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