Bug#254886: gnome-themes-extras: Themes don't recognize some
icons format
HayArms <voloterreno@tin.it>, 254886@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 18:24:39 +0200
Josselin Mouette wrote:
>Le jeu 17/06/2004 =E0 16:58, Maggioni Marcello a =E9crit :
> =20
>>The themes in gnome-themes-extras have problems with icons.
>>For example if I try to select the "Gorilla" theme I get a message=20
>>that says : "Impossible to load the image <<gnome-terminal.png>>=20
>>Details: Impossible to recognize the image format of=20
>>(Sorry if the message is not completely correct , but this is a=20
>>from italian :) ) and after that the theme loads , but most of the=20
>>icons of the theme are substituted with a red "X" icon.
>> =20
>Are you sure librsvg2-common is installed correctly? Did you restart
>your applications if it wasn't installed before?
> =20
Ops, I think that there was an error of mine in the configuration ,=20
sorry for have wasted your time and resources :(