Bug#252474: *poke* *poke*

Daniel Burrows Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org>, 252474@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 22:05:34 -0400

On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 02:23:51AM +0200, Marc Dequènes <Duck@DuckCorp.org> was heard to say:
> Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> writes:
> >   Not to be a pest, but is anyone going to add the Replaces?
> Not this Replaces, but a more adequate one is included in the next
> package. This one is not yet uploaded because GNOME 2.6 is in
> mini-freeze so as to reach sarge.
> BTW, next package would probably include 2.6.2 if it is not too long to
> come.
> So, please be patient.

  Okay.  It's just that I'm facing the prospect of upgrading a bunch of
machines to sarge, and I'm not looking forward to having to manually
install gnome-core ahead of everything else on them if this doesn't get
in by the freeze.


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|               "The problem with LaTeX is that your answers                  |
|                look so good, you think they *must* be right!"               |
|                 -- Thomas Banchoff                                          |
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