Bug#257044: gnome-core: Alt keys not being treated as meta keys
Sebastien Bacher
Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>, 257044@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:37:34 +0200
Le mer, 30/06/2004 =E0 13:13 -0500, Brett Smith a =E9crit :
> key or click the mouse. Likewise if I Alt+Tab; the window listing will
> remain and eat the next input after I let go of the keys.
This bug is a xlibs bug, it has been reported several times and will be
fixed soon.
Here it is a fix from xfree's maintainer:
"A fix for this problem is available. It comes in the form of a diff
To apply this fix:
1) Retrieve the patch from
<URL: http://redwald.deadbeast.net/tmp/alt_tab_fix.diff > or the
attachment to this mail.
2) Save the patch someplace. I recommend /tmp.
3) Become root.
4) cd /
5) patch -p0 < /tmp/alt_tab_fix.diff
6) Go back to being a mere mortal user.
7) Restart your X session. Advanced users may simply reload their
keymap using setxkbmap(1x) with the proper arguments."
Sebastien Bacher