Bug#230355: (no subject)

adam@altsprachtrans.org, 230355-quiet@bugs.debian.org adam@altsprachtrans.org, 230355-quiet@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 4 Mar 2004 11:28:48 +0000

There *is* substance to the question. I *did* send more details through. 
If it didn't reach you, then maybe that's a problem with the bug-tracking
system. Basically none of my libgtk2.0 apps have access to the full range
of fonts in my system. In Abi-Word I can only get to about 10 fonts. In 
Mozilla 1.5 it's worse, because I can't get a font to render anything other
than roman scripts. No japanese on asahi.com, no russian on www.mn.ru, nothing.

It *used* to be that for earlier versions of both applications any font that
I could get to through gfontsel was available. I have tried restarting xfs
and so on.

Adam Bartley

On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 04:31:22PM +0900, Akira TAGOH wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 19:48:14 +0100,
> >>>>> "SB" == Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org> wrote:
> SB> Adam Bartley <adam@altsprac
> htrans.org> writes:
> SB> Could you provide more details ? This mail has no subject and no
> SB> content/description ...
> Hmm, no response since one month ago. I'm closing this now.
> Please repoen it with more details if you really have the
> problem, which you claim to us.
> Regards,
> --
> Akira TAGOH  : tagoh@gnome.gr.jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
> at@gclab.org : tagoh@gnome-db.org / GNOME-DB Project
>              : tagoh@redhat.com   / Red Hat, Inc.
>              : tagoh@debian.org   / Debian Project