Trouble commiting changes to nautilus-media
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
Sun, 14 Mar 2004 18:21:12 -0800
Hi Folks,
I was discussing my problems with Sebastien in regards to my failed
commits to the nautilus-media's debian directory. We couldn't nail down
the problem and I was hoping that you could provide me with a little
I have tried two different ways of pulling the pkg-gnome tree to my
local machine:
1. SVN+SSH as mentioned in the gnome-pkg-tools README file (and
mentioned by Sebastien).
2. Creating a tunnel to alioth in the ~/.subverion/config file such
that the work done in the above option is decreased and I can do a
svn co svn+alioth:// instead.
alioth = ssh -l emil-guest
Once the pkg-gnome tree has been correctly checked out and my changes
have been merged into nautilus-media's debian/ tree, I cannot seem to
commit them to Alioth. I am given this error:
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Connection is read-only
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
svn: '/media/projects/debian/pkg-gnome/packages/svn-commit.tmp
Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? I'd appreciate any help
with this.