Bug#237250: gnome-themes-extras: Wasp icons misses the
LockDisplay and Logout icons
Martin-Éric Racine
Martin-Éric Racine ,
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 15:02:42 +0200 (EET)
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le ven 19/03/2004 à 12:48, Martin-Éric Racine a écrit :
> > > Well, that works for me. stock_lockscreen.svg and stock_logout.svg ar=
> > > available and used. Maybe there is a problem with the panel not
> > > reloading these icons correctly, does it work if e.g. you log out and
> > > log in again?
> >
> > Nope. It repeatedly fails to load, even afrer a login. Repeatable on =
> > i386 and powerpc.
> Can anyone on the list reproduce the problem? I can't here.
There is one oddity: I can see both icons in a Nautilus view, but selecting the
Wasp icons themes whenever creating a GNOME theme from the Themes Preferences
results in the LockScreen and Logout icons remaining to whatever they were last
set to, then later being replaced by "unknown file" icons next time I log in.
> > > Well, this is quite nitpicking, isn't it?
> >
> > Yes, it is and so it should be.
> I happen to disagree. Evolution is mostly a MUA,
..and calendar, addressbook, etc. which is why the MUA icon is no good here.
That's also why the original Evolution icon clearly shows all its purposes
within the yellow circle.
Martin-Éric Racine, ICT Consultant