Bug#238756: totem segfault on exit
Sebastian Kapfer
Sebastian Kapfer <sebastian_kapfer@gmx.net>, 238756@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 01:04:56 +0100
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Am Do, den 18.03.2004 schrieb J=E9r=F4me Soyer um 20:09:
> Package: totem
> Version: 0.99.9-5
> Severity: normal
> hi,
> i meet a problem with totem when i want to close it, automatically it seg=
fault. I test with=20
> different type of videos, it's the same.
> this problem appear since the last upgrade, after meet no problem.
> Thks.
This has disappeared for me with the latest libxine package (1-rc3b-1).=20
J=E9r=F4me, can you please verify this?
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