Bug#238529: more infos

Christophe Combelles ccomb@free.fr, 238529@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 01:04:07 +0200

When I open nautilus (with image preview activated) on /usr/share/icons, which 
contains tiff images, it freezes.

Same thing if I right click on an icon, click on "select a custom icon", and 
enter /usr/share/icons into the path for icons in the dialog box.

If I try to open one of the tiff files with gqview, it crashes.
If I open with gthumb, I get a freeze.
If I open with imagemagick's display, I have no problem.
If I open with gimp, I have no problem.
If I open with eog, It does not crash but the image is not displayed. I only see 
the transparent background.

The tiff files come from the package gnustep-icons.
Most of the files have alpha channel.