Bug#240111: gdm: breaks sessions
Josselin Mouette
Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>, 240111@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 19:34:29 +0200
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Le mar 30/03/2004 =E0 19:28, Ryan Murray a =E9crit :
> > Converting the old sessions doesn't prevent from migrating the packages=
> > This is a measure to prevent breakage, especially when we are at the
> > beginning of a freeze.
> This creates breakage; you now have two scripts setting up the session
> environment, and as they both will perform user mod map entries, this can
> render the keyboard broken.
What are you talking about? The new session scheme doesn't change
anything about that.
> We also _aren't_ frozen yet, and the six packages
> affected by this can upgrade to do this properly.
But they will be *broken* until the upgrade.
> > Furthermore, if you break packages, you must conflict with the older
> > versions of those packages, so that GDM is not upgraded until all
> > packages use the new scheme.
> I don't conflict with them. I work perfectly well with them, through the
> default session, if they are what the system Xsession will pick up.
This is untrue. Until these packages are upgraded, they won't work
properly. This means *your* package is *breaking* them. This is
expressed by a conflict with the older version.
I am quite amazed that a person maintaining so much important stuff in
the Debian project is not able to understand how to make a smooth
upgrade path for a package.
> They don't *solve* anything. They create a mess that I'll have to debug =
> bug reports down the road. This isn't a bug in gdm, it's a change in the
> way it works, and other packages need to change to work with it.
If *you* change the way it works for *other* packages, you have to
provide an upgrade path. That's how things usually work in Debian.
Otherwise, unstable would never be usable.
> Bugs have
> already been filed for that.
I haven't received a bug for gnome-session.
.''`. Josselin Mouette /\./\
: :' : josselin.mouette@ens-lyon.org
`. `' joss@debian.org
`- Debian GNU/Linux -- The power of freedom
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