Bug#248556: Please, package new version
Andrew Lau
Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>, 248556@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 12 May 2004 21:28:31 +1000
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On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 03:27:33AM +0400, Dan Korostelev wrote:
> Package: balsa
> Severity: wishlist
> >From balsa.gnome.org:
> 2004-04-05
> We release balsa-2.1.2 - fairly stable development version of balsa.
> Please package it. It's quite stable and more "featureful" than 2.0.x bra=
Dear Dan,
Is this from personal experience or from ChangeLog reading? I've been
keeping up with Balsa developer's list traffic and I've received the
impression that the 2.1.x branch is not ready for primetime yet. Can you
please be more specific about the features from 2.1 are you looking for?=20
The main problem about Balsa 2.1 is that it also has new dependencies I
don't have time to package from scratch yet. I'll take a look again in a
month's time after my mid-year university exams, and hopefully GNOME 2.6
will be in unstable by then.
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau
Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau <http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/>
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer & UNSW Computing Students' Society President
"Nobody expects the Debian Inquisition!
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency!"
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