Bug#250606: gnome-system-log should be wrapped with gtksu when run as a normal user

Adam Lydick Adam Lydick <lydickaw@ruffledpenguin.org>, 250606@bugs.debian.org
Sun, 23 May 2004 13:01:26 -0700

Package: gnome-utils
Version: 2.4.1-1

Users should be discouraged from running as root in the GUI. In order
for this to work, useful applications (such as gnome-system-log) should
be easy to run as a normal user. Wrapping it with gtksu would make it
easy to do this, while still keeping a reasonable set of permissions
applied to the system logs.

The current behavior would be pretty confusing to a novice. The
application starts, you see a dialog about "unable to open
/var/log/messages", and you are left with what seems to be an empty log.