Bug#281934: glade-2: cut and paste changes names
Gustavo Noronha Silva
Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>, 281934@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:22:19 -0200
Em Sex, 2004-11-19 =C3=A0s 13:13 +0000, Rich Walker escreveu:
> Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org> writes:
> If true, that would seem to be very broken behaviour of the Glade file
> format. However, I have glade files with a lot of widgets of the same
> name in different windows, so it may only be true for certain parsers,
> or at the same branch depth in one tree.
Yeah, you're right, I forgot you can ask libglade to only parse one
toplevel widget at a time and, thus, be able to grab the widgets with
the same name with get_widget() using the different GladeXML's.
I'll forward this upstream, thanks for the report!
kov@debian.org: Gustavo Noronha <http://people.debian.org/~kov>
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